Postpartum Hemorrhoids: Natural Remedies and Insights


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Eight months into my postpartum journey, I've been diving deep into topics that resonate with many, especially postpartum hemorrhoids. Through my practice, I've helped numerous patients navigate the challenges of postpartum hemorrhoids, and I've noticed a significant increase in questions about this uncomfortable condition, both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. Today, we'll explore what postpartum hemorrhoids are, why they occur, and natural treatments and remedies to alleviate them.

What Are Postpartum Hemorrhoids?

Postpartum hemorrhoids are essentially varicose veins of the rectum, occurring in the last weeks of pregnancy or shortly after childbirth. They result from increased pressure on the veins in the lower body and changes in blood flow, often leading to swelling and discomfort in the rectal area.

Causes and Risk Factors

Several factors contribute to the development of postpartum hemorrhoids:

  • Pressure from the Uterus: The growing uterus exerts pressure on the inferior vena cava, affecting blood flow from the lower body to the heart.

  • Progesterone Levels: This hormone relaxes the walls of your veins and slows down gastrointestinal motility, leading to constipation—a prime factor in hemorrhoid development.

  • Straining: Both during bowel movements due to constipation and the act of childbirth can increase the risk of hemorrhoids.

  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Limited movement, especially in late pregnancy or postpartum recovery, can exacerbate the issue.


Common symptoms include bleeding during bowel movements, itching, discomfort, and feeling lumps near the anus, which could indicate external hemorrhoids.

Natural Treatments and Remedies

Preventing and Managing Constipation

A high-fiber diet, adequate hydration, and regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of constipation and, consequently, hemorrhoids. Incorporating foods rich in soluble and insoluble fibers, alongside magnesium supplements, can help maintain regular bowel movements.

Flavonoid-Rich Foods and Supplements

Foods and supplements high in flavonoids strengthen vein structures, supporting vascular health. Berries, cherries, and specific supplements like hesperidin and diosmin are beneficial for preventing and treating hemorrhoids.

Sitz Baths and Herbal Remedies

Sitz baths, particularly when infused with astringent herbs like witch hazel and yarrow, can provide relief from hemorrhoid symptoms. Preparing a herbal tea blend for the bath can enhance its healing properties.

Topical Treatments

Applying ointments containing astringent and tonifying herbs can soothe and heal hemorrhoids. Products like Wise Woman Herbals' Bottoms Up Balm are recommended for their effective herbal formulations.

If you're looking for quality supplements and natural products that assist in the healing process of postpartum hemorrhoids, consider creating an account on Fullscript to purchase my recommended Postpartum Hemorrhoid protocol. You'll also receive a 10% off your first order.

For those navigating the discomfort of postpartum hemorrhoids, incorporating natural remedies and a proactive approach to your health can offer relief and healing. If you are seeking naturopathic guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Ivy Branin or Dr. Pauline Hoang.


How long do postpartum hemorrhoids last?

The duration of postpartum hemorrhoids varies but typically, with proper care and treatment, symptoms can improve within a few weeks.

How do I know if I have postpartum hemorrhoids?

Symptoms like rectal bleeding, itching, discomfort, and palpable lumps near the anus are indicative of hemorrhoids. If you're unsure, consulting a healthcare provider can provide clarity.

How do you treat hemorrhoids while breastfeeding?

To naturally treat postpartum hemorrhoids, focus on dietary adjustments, hydration, and gentle exercise to prevent possible constipation. Sitz baths and topical herbal treatments are safe and effective during breastfeeding.

Will pregnancy hemorrhoids go away?

Yes, with proper care and treatment, pregnancy-related hemorrhoids often resolve after childbirth as the pressure on the veins decreases and hormone levels normalize.