Genital Herpes

If you have been suffering with genital herpes outbreaks, you are far from alone. It is estimated that 20-40% of the US population have recurrent HSV infections causes by the Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) and in some rare occasions HSV-1. Once you have overcome your initial genital herpes outbreak, recurrences can occur due stress, food allergies, menstruation, medications, poor sleep and sexual activity. HSV is highly contagious during an active outbreak and contact with an active lesion puts someone at a 75% risk of contracting genital herpes. Outbreaks and the fear of potential outbreaks can take a toll on relationships and overall quality of life. Though there is currently no way of completely clearing the body of HSV, there are ways to reducing the duration and intensity of outbreaks and natural holistic measures to prevent outbreaks all together.

Naturopathic Remedies For Herpes Outbreaks


Zinc both orally and topically can reduce replication of the HSV virus during an outbreak and enhancing cell-mediated immunity. Some studies have shown that HSV is inactivated by zinc. Zinc can also be effective in the prevention of outbreaks when taken daily.


Lysine is one of our essential amino acids and by taking high dosages it competes with another amino acid, arginine. HSV replication requires the synthesis of arginine-rich proteins. Taking lysine during a genital herpes outbreak along with following a low arginine diet can shorten the duration of an HSV breakout. Foods that are very high in arginine include chocolate, almonds, peanuts.

Topical botanicals

Compounded topical formulations of immune stimulant and anti-viral herbs such as Melissa officinalis (lemon balm), Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice root), Propolis, and Mahonia spp (Oregon Grape) can decrease duration and intensity when applied frequently during an active HSV genital herpes outbreak.    Lemonbalm contains several components that work together to prevent the virus from infecting human cells. Studies have shown lemonbalm produces a rapid interruption of an active HSV infection and promotes rapid healing of herpes blisters. Glycyrrhetinic acid.found in licorice root) inhibits both the growth and cytopathic effects of HSV. In clinical studies topical licorice has been shown to be quite helpful in reducing the healing time and pain associated with cold sores and genital herpes.

Natural HSV Treatment

Though working with naturopathic doctor won’t rid your body of HSV, they can help develop a plan to prevent genital herpes outbreaks and give you an effective natural plan of action to end an outbreak quickly. As a naturopathic doctor, I want to identify the causes that make you more susceptible for genital herpes outbreaks and help you recover from the social stigma genital herpes often causes. I can’t state this enough HSV is extremely common and you are not alone. By working together we will address some of or all of the following so genital herpes don’t take over your life.

  • Stress Management and Adrenal Support

    Stress has been shown to increase genital herpes outbreaks by suppressing the immune system and increasing inflammation. It is imperative for patients with HSV-2 to manage stress in a healthy way. For many of the patients I’ve worked with, those who have been battling years of chronic stress will require adrenal support.

  • Identify food allergies and sensitivities

    Besides addressing some of the fundamental dietary recommendations for a robust immune system and anti-HSV principles, food allergies and sensitivities could be responsible for your frequent genital herpes outbreaks. By identifying and eliminating these foods along with restoring gut integrity many patients notice a dramatic decrease in outbreaks.

  • Hormonal Balance

    Drop in female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) most often associated with menstruation can lead to a genital herpes outbreak.

  • Basic nutrient and herb HSV prevention support

    To keep at HSV at bay it is crucial to take on a regular basis specific nutrients and herbs to keep your immune system strong and HSV viral replication low.

  • HSV Outbreak plan

    Dietary changes, herbs and nutrients as well as strong natural topicals you will need to recover from your genital herpes outbreak if it occurs.

Ready to get a handle on your HSV naturally? Then schedule a naturopathic appointment with Dr Ivy.

Is Naturopathic Telemedicine effective for Genital Herpes?

Absolutely! Even before the pandemic Dr Ivy has offered virtual appointments to patients for various reasons including international and out-of-state patients, patients with small children, patients with mobility or transportation issues and patients preferring the convenience of having their appointments from their home or office.  These patients have been able to achieve the same results as Dr Ivy’s in-office patients as Dr Ivy uses:

  • A HIPAA compliant electronic medical records system called CHARM

    • Patients can upload past diagnostic and blood work as well as recommend additional testing including the DUTCH test for review.

    • Uses a private and secure version of Zoom.

  • An online Dispensary for patients to easily order physician grade herbs and nutrients that are quickly delivered to the patient.