Naturopathic Mental Health Mondays: Relationships

Relationships can be wonderful part of being alive except when they are not. Some relationships unfortunately toxic and can be made worse due to substance abuse and emotional eating. Now that we are spending so much time indoors with our loved ones these issues are more intense than ever especially as people seek comfort in addictive behaviors. For this reason, I “sat down” with psychologist Dr Carolyn Alroy live on Instagram to discuss how couples can cope during these times and steps they can take to improve their relationships.

Dr Alroy works with couples to help them build strong supportive relationships as well as individuals who are struggle to find their career path or who are stuck in taking their career to the next level. This was my first installment of “Mental Health Mondays.” Each Monday I have a conversation with my favorite mental health therapists so that you can better navigate emotionally and mentally during these very stressful times.

Ivy Braninstress, anxiety, weight