Genital Herpes: Natural Treatments & Outbreak Triggers

Causes of Genital Herpes

Generally speaking, the cause of gential herpes is the herpes simplex virus (HSV), of which there are two types: HSV1 and HSV2. HSV1 typically only causes oral herpes, which manifests as cold sores. HSV2 on the other hand is what is associated with gential herpes (though a small percentage of patients with genital herpes will have it due to HSV1). 

So how does someone contract HSV? By and large, herpes patients contract it by coming in contact with the mucus membranes of another person who already has the virus. Both types of herpes have what is called the “prodromal” phase. This is when herpes symptoms start showing, indicating that an outbreak is looming. For HSV1, we might notice a tingling sensation around the mouth where a cold sore eventually appears. And the circumstances are similar with genital herpes; sufferers may start to notice tingling, burning, itchiness, or redness near the affected area, indicating an impending outbreak. The prodrome phase is also the phase where the virus is the most infectious and contagious. 

It’s important to note that while contracting HSV during an outbreak is more common, it is possible to contract HSV from another person, even when they’re not in an active outbreak or even when they are asymptomatic.

Outbreak Triggers of Genital Herpes

Now that we have addressed the general cause of HSV and we know that outbreaks are not ongoing, we should talk about what might trigger an outbreak. While it may not always seem obvious as to why an outbreak occurs, there are several scenarios that make one more likely. Outbreak triggers include:

  • Illness

  • Stress

  • Physical Trauma

  • Excessive Sun Exposure

  • Sleep Deprivation

  • Specific Foods (possibly related to food sensitivities or allergies)

  • Sexual Activity (transmission, irritation/friction, or disruption of vaginal flora)

  • Menstruation (especially during the luteal phase with increased progesterone levels)

All of these scenarios can be what are called immune disruptors. In other words, they can affect immune function, which is what causes an outbreak.

Genital Herpes Symptoms

As I mentioned, the HSV prodrome phase occurs before a full outbreak, and it is during this phase where symptoms begin to show. Some common prodrome phase symptoms include:

  • Tingling

  • Itching

  • Redness

  • Burning

  • Pain

The more we can get in tune with our bodies, the better we can be at recognizing those early symptoms and thus know when an outbreak is coming. This is the best time to start natural treatment, which can prevent a full outbreak. 

If you do eventually get an outbreak, symptoms are more severe and may include painful blistery sores that could eventually “weep,” or excrete fluids. And if things go even further, the blisters could become infected. Additionally, because the skin is full of bacteria, if the blisters don’t heal properly, you could be at risk of a secondary staph infection.      

Genital Herpes Natural Treatment

The unfortunate reality about herpes is that it is a virus that will stay with you for the rest of your life. In other words, there is nothing that can eradicate it entirely. With the knowledge base that we currently have, we know that HSV cannot be eliminated.

That being said, let’s talk about recurrence. It is possible to have both HSV1 and HSV2 and never actually experience an outbreak. And while about 70%–90% of the population is walking around with these viruses, it’s a much much smaller percentage that experiences regular outbreaks. 

Supplements and Topicals

So because outbreaks are triggered by immune disruptors, we can look at natural ways to strengthen the immune system to counteract that immune response. 

  • Zinc: Helps to inhibit the replication of the virus 

  • Vitamin C (orally and topically): Increases healing rates, especially when applied as soon as possible during the prodrome phase

  • Lysine: An amino acid that has natural antiviral properties against HSV; it also reduces l-arginine, helping to adjust the lysine/l-arginine balance  

  • Monolaurin: A fatty acid that improves cellular membranes and reduces viral shedding

Some topical treatments I especially like for herpes :

  • Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis): A topical treatment that can reduce the intensity and duration of flare ups

  • Licorice: Has natural antiviral properties

  • Lavender Essential Oil: This topical must be used during the prodrome phase, and can be very effective at nipping an outbreak in the bud

With natural treatments, it’s important to act early and act fast. And don’t be afraid to apply the mentioned natural topicals several times a day, especially early on. This can help prevent the growth and replication of HSV.

Click here to access my complete herpes support protocol and save 10% on all these products through my Fullscript online dispensary.

To purchase physician-grade supplements, click here to create an account or login to access my online supplements shop and purchase them directly.


The final defense against a herpes outbreak is diet. As mentioned, increasing lysine and decreasing l-arginine can be done with supplements, but it can also be done via diet. Dairy products are high in lysine, so perhaps increasing dairy products during an impending outbreak may be helpful. Another approach is to reduce or eliminate immune disrupting substances, especially during the crucial pre-outbreak prodrome phase. Some common immune disrupting culprits include sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. This doesn’t mean that you have to permanently remove these from your diet, but it may be helpful to do so when your body’s immune response is about to trigger an outbreak.  

Read more about how to treat genital herpes here: Genital Herpes

Book an Appointment

At Simplicity Health Associates in New York City, we help many patients who suffer from genital herpes and help them to manage this condition.

Click here to book an appointment online or call (646) 470-8458. You can also email us here.


How do I not pass herpes to my partner?

To prevent your partner from contracting herpes or genital herpes wash your hands with soap and water if you touch either a cold sore or a part of your body that has a herpes outbreak. Condoms can also help to reduce the chances of your partner contracting genital herpes but it is best to avoid intercourse altogether if you have an outbreak of herpes.

How long does an outbreak of genital herpes last for?

The first outbreak of genital herpes can be the most severe and last for longer. It can take anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks for an outbreak to heal completely. After that, outbreaks are generally less severe and heal quicker.

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