Not in my House! Show these Products the Door

Perhaps the winter holidays are a time to splurge and now it's time to purge. Well our homes that is. Each year, we take time to put away our winter clothes, sweep out the corners and crevices of our living spaces, and clear out stuff we just don't need. This year, let's add to the "To Do List" getting rid of many of the toxin containing products found throughout our home. So besides that ugly bride's maid's dress from 10 years ago or the juicer we never used, here are some other things to drag to the curb.

Living Room
While spring cleaning our home, some of our cleaning products might need a cleaning of their own. Of particular concern are cleaning and detergent products containing , which are endocrine disruptors. Alkylphenols are estrogenic -meaning their chemical structure mimics estrogen, and has been found to nourish tumor growth and has been linked to breast cancer. This property can also lead to birth defects and fertility problems. Another toxin to be concerned about is found in the common household cleaner - bleach. Bleach contains dioxin, which has been shown to cause cancer in humans. Exposure to has also been linked to birth defects, fertility and pregnancy problems, endometriosis, diabetes, learning disabilities, immune system suppression, lung problems, and skin disorders. So women will also need to steer clear of using bleached feminine hygiene products.

Luckily, there are many safe alternatives available at your health food store and even your grocery store. To save a bit of money, you can make your own cleaner using simple ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. for a great recipe for making your own homemade cleaner.

Some of the product we use to make ourselves look pretty are just plain ugly. So it is time to toss them! For example, (ethyl, methyl, propyl, and butyl) used as preservatives in many cosmetics. Like alkylphenols, they are estrogenic. In addition, many perfumes, eye shadows, moisturizers, nail polishes, liquid soaps, and hair sprays contain . These chemicals are known to cause serious birth defects and reproductive problems, especially in men. Unfortunately, FDA does not require manufacturers to list pthalates on their labels.

Most products state ingredients on the label. Unsure how your personal care products add up? on Environmental Work Group (EWG) is a searchable resource to find out what is in your cosmetics.

Kitchen Pantry
Besides that green furry thing at the back of your fridge, it's time get rid of other monsters lurking in your kitchen. Microwave popcorn seems healthy and innocent, but its bag is lined with . This chemical is linked to infertility in men, and liver, testicular, and pancreatic cancer. The chemical vaporizes in the microwaving process, and when consumed accumulates in the body. For a better pop, use a hot air popper or do it the old fashion way on the stove.

Your canned foods might not be expiring anytime soon, but you might need to retire them. This is because some are lined with a synthetic estrogen linked to a wide range of health problems, from heart disease to diabetes, reproductive problems, and obesity. The worst are acidic foods, especially tomatoes, which cause the BPA to leach into your food. To avoid BPA, buy foods in glass or Tetra Box containers. Luckily, some canned products are safe and be labeled "BPA-free".

These are only some of the products and foods you might find in you home that contain toxic materials. For more information check out and

How your household cleaners and personal care products might be putting you at risk of breast cancer. Click here to get started on holistic approach to breast cancer.